I'm not feeling warm fuzzies about this election…

Hell, I’m not feeling upbeat about the mental state of my fellow Americans.  This election brings us what is probably one of the worst match-ups in presidential history.  We’re running a conservative democrat against a Marxist, and for some reason I can’t seem to get real excited about our options here.


That said, McCain is still 1000 times better than Obama.  Yes, McCain sucks by most conservative standards.  But still pick any single issue and McCain is better than Obama.  And I don’t know if that says just how stupid we Republicans were this time around, or just how extremely far left Obama is. 


Obama supporters confuse me.  One of the employees of our subletter (so they’re in our shop and use our parking lot) has a Latinos For Obama bumper-sticker on her car.  I remarked that if Obama wins, I’ll probably be out of business within in a year.  She was like “Huh?”  I pointed out that Barack was no fan of guns, and with a Democrat majority in both the house and senate, I would be shocked if we didn’t get another ban rammed down our throat.  She didn’t know that Obama didn’t like guns.  In fact, as we talked, I discovered that she didn’t know much of anything about what he stands for.


So why did she support him?  Health care.  Whooeee… I’m a self-employed small businessman.  I pay for my own healthcare out of my own pocket, and I’m not exactly rolling in extra dough if you know what I mean.  Paying for my family’s healthcare is expensive.  But guess what?  Since I realize how much the government is going to butcher health-care, I’m glad to keep paying my own way.


You know what would make our health care more affordable?  Stop forcing hospitals to pay BILLIONS of dollars a year for medical care for illegal aliens.  But there’s an issue where both of the candidates suck.  Because apparently it is our duty as American’s to subsidize the healthcare of the failed state just to the south of us. 


So beyond jacking the crap out of my taxes so that you can get free (but shitty) government supplied healthcare, what exactly do Obama fans like about the man?


Hope?  Change?  Horseshit. 


They can’t like the man because of his experience.  He’s not got any.  He’s been a senator for 2 years.  John McCain has been a senator for like 200.  Personally since the senate is about as useless as ball sweat, I think that should disqualify both of them right there, but I digress.  Before he was a senator, he was a state legislator (in the most corrupt state legislature in the country, and even then he didn’t manage to accomplish anything), and before that he was a “community activist”.  Well, whoop-de-freakin’ do.  And I ran a conveyor-belt and a cheese cutting machine for a summer.  Hell, I’m presidential material too! 


This is a man who can read a good speech from a teleprompter (written by somebody else), but as soon as he gets put on the spot, he chokes, stutters, and sounds like an imbecile.  Then he says “well, I hadn’t got much sleep when I said that.” Well, cowboy the hell up.  You want to be president, which means you’ll probably miss a few nights, chump. 


When George Bush says stupid crap, it is on every news station, comedians mock it ad nauseum, and even Iranian sock-puppets laugh at him.  Barack says that he’s visited all 57 states where typical white people can abort their mistake children, sweetie, and that’s totally cool.  And if you point that out, then obviously you’re a racist.


John McCain doesn’t misspeak.  He actually is a democrat on 70% of the issues.  The stuff he says that pisses me off is actually on purpose.  He’s talking about how Lieberman and Bloomberg are still possible running-mates, and all I want to do is vomit.  I’m really wanting to support you here John, because you’re running against a spoiled child that will destroy my country, so stop making it so DAMN HARD to support you! 


Yes, a spoiled child.  Barack is your typical clichéd liberal, whining about how the government needs to take care of us, and stroke our soft little heads, and tell us that everything is going to be okay.  At least John McCain is an adult (on 30% of the issues, which is still more than I can say for Obama). 


Today I heard a soundbyte where Obama was touring a hospital, and talked about how seeing blood made his queasy. Yes, because that’s the kind of testicular fortitude we need in a leader!  McCain got TORTURED for five straight years by the Vietcong.  I’m willing to bet that he doesn’t get “queasy” at the sight of blood, especially when he’s sticking his own arm bones back into his flesh, making bamboo splints, and tying them up with filthy rags. 


So, McCain sucks on politics, but even at 70+ years old, he would beat Obama to death with his walker.  That’s at least one quality I can respect in a leader. 


Obama will clumsily yank us out of Iraq.  Thereby assuring that everything we’ve worked and sacrificed for will be for nothing.  And of course, this is when we’re actually doing well and winning.  Tell me that that is the kind of strong leadership you want to square off against another rogue state with nuclear weapons.  People keep comparing Obama to Kennedy, and all that tells me is that they need to shut their stupid TVs off and pick up a stinking history book.  You honestly expect me to believe that little Barry the community activist of hope and change wouldn’t have wimped out during the Cuban Missile Crisis?  (not that he would have minded the communists having nukes conversational distance from Florida, because Obama would have just said “go for it Comrade Fidel”, birds of a feather and all that, but you get the idea).


All of the Obama followers I talk to look at him like he’s Jesus.  You’ve got women swooning (“can I get a bottle of water over here”) like he’s John Lennon.  I’m waiting for the Secret Service to shoot somebody who is just trying to touch the hem of his robe to cure their leprosy. 


Yet none of these Obama supporters can tell me what he actually believes in.  He believes in whatever they think he believes in.  He’s for the working man!  I’m a working man, so I’m trying to figure out how losing another 8-15% of my income to the government is going to benefit me.  (Let me break that down for you mouth-breathing non-accountants out there.  Congratulations, you now get to work another 1 or 2 months a year, FOR FREE!)


Somebody told me that Obama will lower gas prices!  How?  By not tapping into our own resources?  We’ve got oil off both coasts, in Alaska, and under Utah and Colorado, that we’re not allowed to touch.  The democrats kiss the asses of various faceless environmentalists to the point that we’re stupid enough to put our entire nation at a disadvantage to theoretically protect manatees and polar bears, while the same exact parts of the globe are getting tapped by Indian and Chinese interests.  Do you really think the Indians drilling in the Caribbean right now give a crap about the manatee?  Though Curried Manatee does sound pretty good. 


I actually heard some congressional turd the other day say how drilling in those places won’t help gas prices for 10 years… How’s that for foresight?  I don’t know about you, but I figure I’ll probably still be driving a car in 10 years, so how about you get off your stupid asses and give us an energy policy better that “rape the oil companies because they made an 8% profit!” 


If it would lower my gas prices ten cents a gallon, I’d club a baby seal with a manatee!  Screw the environmentalists.    


Once again, not making John McCain a whole lot better, considering that he worships at the altar of the Prophet Al Gore.  We’ve got both sides tripping over themselves to destroy our nation over science that is basically a load of crap.  And for any of you that are reading this blog that believe in man-made global warming, if you can’t answer this question, shut the hell up:  If global warming is happening, and it is man’s fault, explain how the Vikings farmed Greenland in recent history.  Oh, can’t answer, then see above.  Shut the Hell Up.


Five years ago, when I told people that my eventual goal was to build a house out in the middle of nowhere that was totally off the grid, powered by solar panels, a wind turbine, with my own well and gravity fed water tower, I was a psycho right-wing militia type.  Now, apparently I’m “environmentally aware” and “Green.”  Oh, barf.  Anybody who tells me that, I then point out that my off-the-grid house is also going to have a giant fence around it, topped in razor-wire, with solar-powered spotlights for my .50 BMG sniper rifle.  Stuff it, hippie.  Us government-hating survivalists were into that stuff way before you showed up to the party in your Prius. 


I’ve been listening to Obama supporters talk up their boy, (oops, said boy, I must be RACIST), and he’s got nothing.  If my side had the balls or the sense to run an actual Republican, then this election would have been a mudstomping like unto Michael Dukakis.  Hell, if my party hadn’t sucked wind and kowtowed to a bunch of RINOs in the senate then we probably wouldn’t be in the straights that we’re in now.  The Republican party had its chance, and we couldn’t show jack squat. 


We had the majority for a brief time, and we blew it.  We squandered it.  My party is pathetic and can’t demonstrate a lick of leadership.  Why didn’t we come up with a coherent energy policy?  Why won’t we secure our borders?  Why can’t we just man up and smack Nancy Pelosi upside her head?  The people speak, and we’re slapped down and told we’re stupid.  No wonder we’re in the state that we’re in now.  Our party is a joke.


And even then we’re still better than the douche bags on Obama’s side.


May God have mercy on our souls.    

FBMG Machine gun shoot date, OCTOBER 4th
Bringing dinosaurs back to life, always a good idea

23 thoughts on “I'm not feeling warm fuzzies about this election…”

  1. I feel similarly. Truthfully, the Obama phenomenon mystifies me. Are there really that many people yearning for a black President that they’ll take Obama, a guy without substance, experience, accomplishment or even good judgment?

  2. The only thing that might be worse than Obama winning is Obama losing; I can foresee the angst the left will go through, and the results manifested therefrom, should the Great Unwashed not be smart enough to elect him.

    Larry, if I bring my own brass, dies and solar panels can I join you?

  3. You know what it is? People are sick of the Washington machine. Left or right, just about everyone is sick of the government, sick of the BS, and sick of the crap.

    Unfortunately, not everyone agrees on how things should be different. Many people, as Senator Obama clumsily opined, feel like their government has “forgotten them”, like it isn’t doing enough, like they’ve been abandoned.

    Personally, I think these people are stupid. It’s not the government’s God damned job to take care of your stupid ass. It’s YOUR JOB.

    May others…well, we think that we should be so lucky as to be forgotten by the government.

    The net result of this though is that Washington continues to do whatever the hell it wants and the American people are left yearning for someone, anyone, that will do things differently. It’s not just that people want the government to do this or do that; they feel like they’re not being listened to by their own representatives.

    Frankly, I don’t know what the left is so mad about. The government panders to them all the time, but it is what it is.

    So they’ve latched onto Senator Obama like some kind of socio-political messiah that’s going to come down on his mighty steed from DC and fix our stupid lives. He’s going to heal the sick (healthcare), warm the hearts of men (we’ll be more respected in the world!), etc.

    I’ve never been the type to buy into the doom and gloom business, but…buy your guns now. Don’t go crazy; don’t sink yourself in debt and run up your credit cards. Trust me, Visa LOVES IT when you panic buy stuff. But if you’re into military type rifles…get them. Get a spare. Get replacement parts.

    I think we gunowners are in for the fight of our lives in 2009.

  4. We’re gonna need that “free” healthcare to fix our rectal passages if he gets in. You do know that.

  5. Both parties have done a lousy job, so most people aren’t all that excited by business as usual. I don’t expect the gov’t to support me, but I do expect them to not waste my tax money on stupid shit and spend it on things like roads, police, fire, etc.

  6. Depending on who McCain picks as his running mate, I’ll be voting for third party candidate. When I compare his plans on things like healthcare with Obama’s, I see no difference. The only differences between the two are on gun rights and Iraq. Well, with someone like Bloomberg as a running mate, McCain might as well be the same as Obama.

  7. Larry, you never cease to amaze me with your common-sense..that so many other people seem to be lacking.
    Personally, I was rooting for Huckabee..he has a conceal carry license! And can play the bass guitar.

    Obama just shows how idiotic most Americans are anymore. All flash and no substance. He’s an empty suit to me, a bag of hot air. He’s physically there, but yet he’s not there. I still don’t know ONE thing he believes in. Yet I know many people totally falling for him and have no reasons why.

  8. the only problem with oil shale in utah is that you have to add heat to the shale to ‘sweat’ the oil out. what will they use to heat the steam? probably natural gas. thereby burning fossil fuels in order to get more fossil fuels. Also ethanol is maybe a good thing if you didn’t use american industrial farming processes to grow corn. They use fossil fuel based fertilizers to grow all the corn. they don’t even need corn for ethanol, you can use all kinds of different plants that grow without so much chemical fertilizers. Which pollute the ground anyway. The only reason they use corn is because we have so much of it, because of all the subsidies for corn. yes we do need a decent energy policy, but the politicians should explore all the options instead of the ones that are paid for by Big Money lobbyists.

  9. It’s sad but it’s true. Everything you say is the truth but we’ve been conditioned by the media to believe whatever they want us to, and right now, they want us to be socialists.

    McCain sucks hard, and Obama is basically the anti-christ.

    But that’s what you get when you let the media dictate terms, redefine words, and feed you lies.

  10. The Republican party is run by RINOs because we were complacent, and let the RINOs do all of the lifting at the precinct level.

    If you want the Republican Party to be conservative again, you have to actually join the damned party.

    NOT register as an “R”, but join. The get your ass into a precinct committee. Get your friends in there. Take over your precinct. Take over most of the precincts in your state. Then take over the state steering committee. Then take over all of the states’ steering committees.

    Then take over the RNC.

    We have sat on our asses for decades, and allowed the hirelings of RINOs take our party from us. Getting it back is going to take work … whining and making threats to revolt ain’t going to get it done.

    Just because you have no interest in politics, does not mean that politics has no interest in you. – Plato

  11. I’ve tried to tell all that to the people who say Barak Hussein Obama is no worse than John McCain. I must not have used the right words, ’cause they didn’t believe me.

    What I just read ARE the right words, and delivered with righteous anger.

    I wish I’d been the one to write that.

    Good job.

  12. Think you’ve got it bad? Look at Zimbabwe… at least there aren’t people shooting each other out in the countryside yet. Or burning down hospitals that treat the opposition.

    The really sad thing is how much worse such basket cases get every time the only real moderate power in the world willing to interfere becomes less so.

  13. “Five years ago, when I told people that my eventual goal was to build a house out in the middle of nowhere that was totally off the grid, powered by solar panels, a wind turbine, with my own well and gravity fed water tower, I was a psycho right-wing militia type. Now, apparently I’m “environmentally aware” and “Green.” Oh, barf. ”

    It’s all just a matter of perception, you see, as these folks you are referring to wouldn’t understand “cognitive dissonance”, though they live it, breath it and eat it. I’ve even read it at some site recently that since “liberals” can hold opposing views of the same circumstances at the same time, it means that they’re intelligent. I’m not kidding.

    Your instinct for wanting to hunker down for this ride we are on is right-on, in my opinion. Good luck.

  14. Hi Larry.
    This article reminded me on one episode of South Park (series 8). Boys had to vote between Giant Douche and Thurd Sendwich. 🙂

    Be glad you can choose between Vietnam vet and ****ing marxist.
    Here in eastern Europe, whoever you vote, no mather right or left, you can be sure, that he will behave like ****ing marxist as soon as he come to power.
    And THAT SUCKS! 🙁

  15. Looking through the comments since I posted before, the thing that most bothers me is the fact that SO many people DO identify with the conservative outlook. Or Libertarian at the least. How then have the liberals come to such power as they have? Is it all the illegals and dead people that vote? Is it rigging machines? is it polluted electoral college personnel? If 80-90+% of people claim conservative values in polling, why in the hell are we going so far to the liberal ruling class being elected? Write to everyone you know. Email everyone on your list of addresses. Let’s find out what the answer would be if EVERYONE registered to vote did. In the meantime, clean your equipment, inventory your stocks, make a bug-out plan, and get ready for whatever may happen. Oh, I could go on about life in the city, etc, but you know what may well happen. Just like carrying a weapon on a daily basis. You hope you never have to use it, but it sure is better to have it and not need it…

  16. “Is it all the illegals and dead people that vote? Is it rigging machines? is it polluted electoral college personnel?”

    Illegals and dead people voting happens a lot…whenever someone trys to institute measures like requiring a picture ID to be allowed to vote, the liberals start screaming bloody murder about disenfranchisment.

    I also get pissed off whenever I have to go vote or deal with the election office in my district. They treat you like shit if you are not voting democrat…creating problems, and giving me a bad attitude. I usually respond by cussing at them once my business is finished.

  17. I’ll pretty happily vote for McCain if he picks Ron Paul as his running mate 🙂

    I’m sure as hell not going to vote for the Obamination, though I haven’t decided whether I’m going to vote “against” him and my conscience, either.

    -505 Ogre

  18. Five years ago, when I told people that my eventual goal was to build a house out in the middle of nowhere that was totally off the grid, powered by solar panels, a wind turbine, with my own well and gravity fed water tower, I was a psycho right-wing militia type. Now, apparently I’m “environmentally aware” and “Green.” Oh, barf. Anybody who tells me that, I then point out that my off-the-grid house is also going to have a giant fence around it, topped in razor-wire, with solar-powered spotlights for my .50 BMG sniper rifle. Stuff it, hippie. Us government-hating survivalists were into that stuff way before you showed up to the party in your Prius.

    I had no idea you were going to be my neighbor. Maybe we can get a bulk discount on the razor wire.

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