My schedule at SLC Comic Con

It looks like they’ve already sold 22,000 tickets, so this is going to be a pretty darn big event.

I’m on a ton of panels. And yes, I am aware that I am on 2 panels at one time. Whoops. 🙂

SL Comic Con Panel Schedule for Thursday, September 5th, 2013

2:00 – 2:50 p.m.

Convention  Survival  (John Saffell)

Meet Team Salt Lake City Comic Con  (Dan Farr, Bryan Brandenburg, Janette Newton, Jarrod Phillips, Elaine Atkins-Manly, Blake Casselman)

Meet the 501st (501st Legion/Rogue Squadron)

Fantasy Films: The Awesome, The Mundane, and The So-So (Jessica Day George, Larry Curtis, Kohl Glass, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Jonathan Hickman)

Anime & Manga: A Cultural Perspective (Warky T. Chocobo)

The Grandfathers of Gaming (Tracy Hickman, Sean Smithson, Bob Defendi)

3:00 – 3:50 p.m.

Nicholas Brendon: Tales from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Trademarks, Copyright and Media Law (Vincent J. Roth)

Exploration Unknown: Paranormal Radio & Internet Shows

Cosplay101: What is Cosplay? (Nicole Marie Jean, Jessica Nigri, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Jennifer McGrew)

Illustrating Comics: A Beginner’s Guide to the Craft (Michael Lovins, Jess Smart Smiley, Jake Parker, Aneeka)

Paradoxes: The Trouble with Time Travel (Daryn Tufts, James Wymore, Eric James Stone, Tom Durham, Peter J. Wacks)

Comics and Film: Using a Visual Medium for Effective Storytelling (Kohl Glass, Nathan Best)

4:00 – 4:50 p.m.

Brian Krause: The Charmed Panel

Practical Superheroes in the Pre-CGI Days (Sean Smithson, Jake Rogers)

Draw a Superhero/Supervillain in an Hour (Brian Hailes, Brady Canfield)

J.R.R Tolkien to “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” to Peter Jackson: A Look at All Things Middle-earth (David Farland, James Wymore, Dave Butler, Paul Genesse (M), Bob Defendi, Larry Curtis, David Powell)

Filmmakers Round Table: Film Creators Discuss Their Work (Daryn Tufts, Hrafen Wulfson, Bryan Leffler, Kohl Glass, Jonathan Martin, Jason Faller, Kynan Griffin)

Harry Potter Turns 16: A Look at the Potterverse, Then and Now (Jessica Day George, Mette Ivie Harrison, Brittany Casselman)

Indie Game Development for Social, Mobile, and PC Online Games

5:00 – 5:50 p.m.

Peter Meyhew & David Prowse

U.S. Versus Nordic LARP (Patrick Hayes)

What Should You Be Reading? Middle Grade and Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy (Jessica Day George, Rhiannon Paille, Mettie Ivie Harrison)

How to Show Your Story Instead of Telling It (Michaelbrent Collings, Larry Correia, Brad Torgerson, Chad Morrs, Batton Lash, James Dashner)

The Art of Creating Visual Effects in Motion Pictures (Adam Sidwell, Clark Schaffer, Rob Au, Tom Durham, Curtis Hickman, Vincent J. Roth (M)

How to Write a Short Story Workshop (Dan Willis, Bob Defendi)

Movies So Bad, They’re Awesome (Daryn Tufts, Blair Sterett, Mario de Angelis, Jonathan Martin, Nathan Shumate, Jonathan Hickman)

6:00 – 6:50 p.m.

Claire Coffee: The Grimm Panel

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Everything You Need to Know About Publishers, Marketing and Making a Living as a Writer (Jenni James)

Comic Book Smackdown: The Best Comic Books and Graphic Novels Produced Today: The Best Comic Books and Graphic Novels Ever Made (Jackie Estrada, Jess Smart Smiley, Chad Hardin, McCord Larsen)

Ender’s Game: 30 Years of the Book and Comics to the Big Screen (Jake Black, David Farland, Brian Wiser, Eric James Stone, Aaron Johnston, Mettie Ivie Harrison)

Tales From the Trenches: Life as a Working Actor in Hollywood (Charan Prabhakar, Isaac Singleton, Jr., Leanna Pareja, Elizabeth Knoweldon, Andrea Ciliberti, Rusty Joiner, Aaron “Rad” Radl)

Turning Hand-Drawn Art into Digital Drawing, Touching it Up and Coloring Digitally (Steve Argyle, Carter Reid, Chad Hardin, Brian Hailes, Justin Kunz)

Making a Film on a Shoestring Budget (Aaron Hultgren, Bryan Young, Scott Taylor, Tom Carr, Kohl Glass, William Pace, Chris “Doc” Wyatt)

7:00 – 7:50 p.m.

Ghost Hunting in Utah: An Epic Presentation (Amy Bruni, Jeremy Gates, Cami Skousen, Serenity Moore, Josh Elmer, Nate VanHulten, Tom Carr, Russ Cook, Tysen Webb (M)

Self-publishing on Amazon: A Professional How-To (Aaron Patterson)

Being Spirited Away: The Vision and Work of Hayao Miyazaki (Dan Willis, Blair Sterrett, Blake Casselman)

The Whedonverse: A Closer Look at the Worlds of Joss Whedon (Jessica Day George, Daryn Tufts, Brian Wiser, John W. Moreland, Camden Toy)

Novels & Short Stories: Which One is the More Effective Use of a Writer’s Time? Is This the Right Story to Invest My Time & Energy Into? Tips from the Pros (Kevin J. Anderson, David Farland, James Dashner, Larry Correia, Richard Paul Evans, Aaron Johnston)

Character Development in Drawing and Art ( Justin Kunz, Mike Baron, Steve Argyle, Brian Hailes)

Anatomy of a Fan Film (Izzi Keener, Hraefn Wulfson, Jared Seaich, McCord Larsen, Jonathan Hickman)

8:00 – 8:50 p.m.

Beyond the 5th Dimension: A Look at the Original Twilight Zone (Anne Sirling, Tony Toscano)

Why Fairy Tales Will Never Go Away (Jessica Day George, David Farland, Mettie Ivie Harrison, Jenni James)

Building a Successful Webseries: Just Us Guys (Chris Lilly)

Four Stories from The Lord of the Rings (Tracy Hickman, Laura Hickman)

HP Lovecraft: Is His Work Still Relevant in the 21st Century? (Blair Sterrett, Carter Reid, Paul F. Anderson (M), Tom Durham, Nathan Shumate, Chris “Doc” Wyatt, Dave Butler)

Warky after Dark: An After Hours Q&A (Warky T. Chocobo)

SL Comic Con Panel Schedule for Friday, September 6th, 2013

12:00 – 12:50 p.m.

Adrian Paul: Tales from the Highlander

How to be Psychic: An Intro to Psychic Development (Serenity Moore)

Marvel vs. DC:  Contrasting and Comparing the Two Comic Giants in Film and Television (James Wymore, Kohl Glass, Nathan Best, Kenny D.)

Firefly & Serenity:  A Shiny, Behind the Scenes Look at the Series and Film (Brian Wiser, William Pace)

Fablehaven & Beyond:  Brandon Mull  (Brandon Mull)

Why We Love the Prequels: A Celebration of Star Wars 2.0 (Bryan Young (M), Leigh George Kade, Dartanian Richards, Sean McPeak)

Illustrating Comics, Part II:  An Advanced Tutorial (Jess Smart Smiley, Jake Parker)

1:00 – 1:50 p.m.

Nick Gomez:  From Looper  To Dexter To  The Walking Dead

Smart Bomb Interactive Presents Animal Jam:  Bringing a Video Game Character to Life. (Taylor Maw, Dave Hilden, Mac McCann, Nathan Riddle, Steve Fox, Adam Hunter)

Brandon Mull Reading (Brandon Mull)

An Unofficial Sneak Peek at “The Hobbit:  The Desolation of Smaug” (Larry Curtis (M), Paul Genesse, Bob Defendi, Dave Powell, Blake Casselman)

Directing for Independent Film (Kohl Glass, Daryn Tufts, Bryan Leffler, Jonathan Martin, Bryan Young, Brian Higgins)

Comics on the Web:  How Digital Media and Social Networking are Allowing Indie Comic Creators to Market & Distribute Their Work (Howard Tayler, Carter  Reid, Aneeka, Barry Gardner)

Tools For Writing Steampunk  (Dan Willis & Tracy Hickman)

2:00 – 2:50

Cerina Vincent , Walter Jones & David Yost: It’s Morphin’ Time!

Pop Culture Undead (The Cast of “Evil Dead: The Musical)

Transmedia and the Changing Digital Landscape (Russ Francis, Ian Johnston, Valerie Lynn Harper, Garrick Dean, Doug Wagner)

Cosplay Makeup Tips & Techniques (Tanglwyst de Holloway, Nicole Marie Jean, Jessica Nigri)

Creatures & Character Acting: Spotlight on Camden Toy (Camden Toy)

Writing Effective Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction: A Conversation on the Craft (Adam Sidwell, David Farland, Heather Ostler, Chad Morris, James Dashner, Brandon Mull, Robison Wells, Jenni  James)

How to Become a Bestseller in the Changing Publishing World (Aaron Patterson)

Women in Gaming  (Jenna Kemker, Tara Swenson, Connie Beaty, Lauren McLemore, Amy Frederico, Brittany Henry)

3:00 – 3:50 p.m.

Adam West & Burt Ward

Photoshop & Special F/X from Sketch to Real Life, Part I  (Rayce Bird, Daniel Presedo)

Internet & Social Media Tools for Writers & Artists  (Howard Tayler, Heather Ostler, Michaelbrent Collings, Eric James Stone, Warky T. Chocoba)

Strange New Worlds: The Imagination of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Art (Justin Kunz, Steve Argyle, Brian Hailes, Daniel Vest)

Disney’s Haunted Mansion: The Unseen Art & Mastery behind the Creation (Paul F. Anderson)

History of Video Gaming (Patrick Hayes, Roger Altizer, Kelli Dunlap)

Creating Amazing Costumes on a Budget  (Tom Carr, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Vincent J. Roth, Nicole Marie Jean, Jessica Nigri)

Breaking into Comics, Staying in Comics  (Dexter Vines, Batton Lash, Bill Galvan, Chad Hardin, Barry Gardner)

4:00 – 4:50 p.m.

Tia Carrera: Wayne’s World & Beyond

Secrets of the Future:  From the Creator of Microsoft Games Studio (Ed Fries)

Techniques for Creating Innovative Characters & Creatures  (Larry Correia, Jess Smart Smiley, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Brandon Mull, Rhiannon Paille, Mette Ivie Harrison)

Managing Your Artistic Career While Working a Full-Time Job (James Wymore, Tom Carr, Scott Taylor, Brad Torgerson, Aaron Johnston, Bill Galvan)

Dashner Army Unite! A Q&A with James Dashner (James Dashner)

Yoda was Wrong:  There is Try, There is Fail, and There is no Force  (Howard Tayler)

Dressing Up a Movie:  The Art of Costuming and Production Design in Film (Tom Carr, Hraefn Wulfson, Jonathan Martin, Jennifer McGrew, William Pace)

Cryptozoology: Big Foot, Lochness Monster, Etc.

5:00 – 5:50 P.m.

Ray Park

Arrowstorm Entertainment:  Epic Fantasy & Independent Film (Jason Faller, Kynan Griffin)

Make Me Care:  Digital Storytelling  (Jarrod Phillips, Gabriel Veenendaal, (M) Todd Maetani, Chris Le, Brian Vance)

The Avengers & X-Men:  50 Years of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Mutants in Comics, Animation, and Film  (Chris “Doc” Wyatt, Nathan Best, McCord Larsen, Blake Casselman)

Fablehaven, the Beyonders, and the Inventor’s Secret: Brandon and Chad talk Writing & Comedy (Brandon Mull, Chad Morris)

Artists Round Table:  Comic Book & Graphic Novel Creators Discuss Their Work.  (Tyler Kirkham, Michael Lovins, Jess Smart Smiley, Carter Reid, Chad Hardin, Aneeka)

How to Win Writers & Illustrator’s of the Future Contests (David Farland, Brad Torgerson, Eric James Stone, Brian Hailes)

Switch: Actors on Portraying a Variety of Characters (Warky T. Chocobo, Isaac Singleton, Jr., Clint Vanderlinden, Elizabeth Knoweldon, Rusty Joiner, Aaron “Rad” Radl)

6:00 – 6:50 p.m.

Richard Hatch & Dirk Benedict

Photoshop Made Easy (Scott Harben, Daniel Presedo)

Young Adult & Middle Grade Fantasy: Keeping it Real (Tracy Hickman, Laura Hickman, James Dashner, Adam Sidwell, Frank Cole, Lisa Mangum, Rebecca Moesta)

Storyboards & Concept Art for Films & Television: A Guide to the Craft (Leo Leibelman)

From Action Comics #1 to “Man of Steel”:  A 75th Anniversary Retrospective of Superman (Jake Black, Bill Galvan, Batton Lash, Kevin J. Anderson, Jonathan Hickman)

EVP’s : Electromagnetic Voice Phenomena (Brandan Cook, Tom Carr, Russ Cook, Jimmy Chunga (M)

Tex Murphy and Kickstarter Game Funding (Chris Jones, Aaron Conners, Kevin Murphy, Larry Thomas, Adrian Carr)

Monsters: Should the Classic Ones be Updated? Where are the New Monsters? (James Wymore, Carter Reid, John W. Morehead, Jonathan Martin, Nathan Shumate)

7:00 – 7:50 p.m.

SyFy’s Fact or Faked: The Paranormal Files (Ben Hanson)

Steampunk: What is it? Is it here to Stay? (Dan Willis, James Wymore, Scott Taylor, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Robison Wells, Dave Butler, Paul Genesse (M)

As I Knew Him:  Rod Searling (Anne Searling)

King Arthur, The Lord of the Rings & Star Wars: An Examination of the Hero’s  Journey (Bryan young, Dan Willis, David Farland, Brad Torgerson, Robison Wells, Rhiannon Paille)

Writing for Comics (Jake Black, Jess Smart Smiley, Aaron Johnston, Quinn Johnson, Peter J. Wacks)

The King of Horror: A Discussion on the Writings of Stephen King and the Films & Television Programs Based on Them (Daryn Tufts, Michaelbrent Collings, Tanglwyst de Holloway, James Dashner, Kenny D.)

8:00 – 8:50 p.m.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More with Feeling Sing-along

Warm Bodies, World War Z & the Walking Dead: Why Zombies Won’t Go Away and What that Means About the Impending Zombie Apocalypse (Dani Dixon, Michaelbrent Collings, Carter Reid, Nathan Shumate, Sean Smithson)

The Anatomy of Writing a Great Fight Scene/Action Sequence  (John Steiner, Larry Correia, Eric James Stone, Brad Torgerson, Brandon Mull)

Shiny! Why We Love All Things Geek & the Impact of Geek Culture (Larry Curtis, Tanglwyst de Holloway, John W. Morehead, Rhiannon Paille, Quinn Johnson, Jonathan Hickman)

Cult Classic Films (Tamak Guarriello)

SL Comic Con Panel Schedule for Saturday, September 7th, 2013

10:00 – 10:50 a.m.

Henry Winkler

Killer Breakfast (Tracy & Laura Hickman)

What is Fantasy Con? (Hraefn Wulfson, Josh Patell)

Sofia Milos: On Cooking, Acting, and CSI: Miami

Walt Disney’s Utopian City EPCOT (Paul F. Anderson)

Novel, Comic Book, or Screenplay: What’s the Best Medium for Your Story? (Jake Black, Dani Dixon, Kevin J. Anderson, Aaron Johnston, Bryan Young (M), David Farland)

Bound Books vs. E-books: A Bibliophile’s Survival Guide (Adam Sidwell, Aaron Patterson, Jenni James, Dave Butler)

11:00 – 11:50 a.m.

Dirk Benedict & Dwight Schultz

Spotlight On: Nolan Bushnell

The Next Big Disruption in Video Games (Clark Stacey)

Are Comic Books & Graphic Novels Literature? (Jackie Estrada, James Wymore, Jess Smart Smiley, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Brady Canfield)

From Ripley to Buffy to Katniss: A Look at the Strong Female Protagonist (Dani Dixon, Eric James Stone, Peter J. Wacks, John Steiner, Lisa Mangum, Mette Ivie Harrison)

How to Outline a Novel & Screenplay (Craig Nybo)

The Appeal of Horror: Why We Like To Be Scared (Brandon Cook, Kenny D., Michaelbrent Collings, Carter Reid, Nathan Shumate)

12:00 – 12:50 p.m.

Motion Capture Interactive Puppet Show (Russ Francis & Broadview Arts & Entertainment University)

Salsa Dancing with Sophia Milos and Walter Jones

Kevin Sorbo

Utah: Where Films are Made (Utah Film Comission)

Mormon Culture and Comic Books (Mike Homer, Eric Jepson, Sal Velluto)

From Cell 25: Richard Paul Evans on Michael Vey, Writing & Self-Publishing  (Richard Paul Evans)

Where Do You Get Your Ideas? Inspiration for Authors & Artists (Ken Meyer, Jr., Brian Hailes, Frank Cole, Larry Correia, Brandon Mull, John Steiner, Brad Torgerson, Heather Ostler)

How to Write Great Fantasy (Larry Correia, Eric James Stone, Brandon Mull, Rhiannon Paille, ML Forman)

Create a Live Comic Book! (Craig Nybo, Brady Canfield)

1:00 – 1:50

Motion Capture Interactive Puppet Sitcom cont’d

Richard Hatch

Genre Bending: When Should and Shouldn’t Rules be Broken (Bryan Young, Dan Willis, Eric James Stone, Larry Correia, Mettie Ivie Harrison)

Adaptations: Which Books, Comics, Games, and Graphic Novels Have Best Translated to the Large and Small Screen? (Aaron Johnston, Chad Hardin, Nathan Best, Sean Smithson)

Shark Attack: Scanline VFX on Iron Man 3 (Joel Mendias)

Gaming Degrees : University of Utah Panel

Signs of Alien Life (Alien Dave)

Internet & Social Media for Writers & Artists (Matt Miner, James Wymore, Dani Dixon, Jenni James, Aaron Patterson)

2:00 – 2:50 p.m.

Manu Bennet: Travels from Spartacus to Arrow to the White Orc, Azog.

Network TV Food Fame (Viet Pham, Romina Rasmussen, Janell Brown, Brendan Cook, Ryan Call (M)

Utah Women in Film (Susan Phelan, Connie Wilkerson, Taunya Gren, Daniela Larson, Josh Jones (M)

The Happiest (Creative) Place on Earth: How Disney Inspired Me as an Artist (Heather Ostler, Justin Kunz, Chad Morris, Rhiannon Paille, Lisa Mangum)

Writer’s Round Table: Book Authors Discuss Their Work (James Wymore, Heather Ostler, John Steiner, Frank Cole, Larry Correia, Dave Butler)

Creating a Comic Book & Graphic Novel: From Start to Finish (Michael Lovins, Dani Dixon, Jess Smart Smiley, Jake Parker, Mike Baron, Aneeka)

Salt Lake Comic Con Film School, Part 1: Script Development, Casting & Preproduction (Aaron Hultgren, Charan Prabhaker, Larry Curtis, Bryan Laffler, Mario De Angelis, Tom Durham, Jonathan Martin)

3:00 – 3:50 p.m.

On Gaming: A Q&A with John & Brenda Romero

Crowdfunding 101: Achieving Success on Kickstarter & Indie-Go-Go (Howard Tayler, Jackie Estrada, Blair Sterrett, Jake Parker, Batton Lash)

Salt Lake Comic Con Speed-Run Panel (2 hrs.) (Kari Johnson)

Having a Sustainable Career in the Video Game Business (Brandon Welch)

Superheroes and Survival: Spotlight on Jake Black (Jeff Vice, Jake Black)

Women in Writing, A Discussion between Young Adult & Middle Grade Writers (Laura Hickman, Heather Ostler, Ally Condie, Lisa Mangum, Rhiannon Paille, Mettie Ivie Harrison, Jenni James)

Salt Lake Comic Con Film School, Part 2: Principle Photography, Post-Production & Promotion (Bryan Leffler, Kohl Glass, Mario De Angelis, Vincent J. Roth, Jonathan Martin, Curtis Hickman)

4:00 – 4:50 p.m.

William Shatner

Photoshop & Special F/X from Sketch to Real Life, Part Two (Rayce Bird, Daniel Presedo)

Speed Metal & Monsters: High Octane Beast in Fiction & Film (Paul Genesse, Dave Butler, Craig Nybo)

Can Science Fiction & Fantasy Save the World? (John Steiner, Brandon Mull, Tom Durham, Kohl Glass)

Advice I’d give Myself: Authors Look Back at Breaking In (David Farland, Kevin J. Anderson, Larry Correia, Richard Paul Evans, Rebecca Moesta, Obert Skye)

Creating Kids Comics (Dani Dixon, Jess Smart Smiley, Bill Galvin, Quinn Johnson)

Self-Publishing vs. Small Press vs. Big Publishers: Which is Best? (Tracy Hickman, Howard Tayler, Adam Sidwell, Michaelbrent Collings, Nathan Shumate, Rhiannon Paille)

5:00 – 5:50 p.m.

Utah Video Game Industry: The Epic Panel

Drawing the Funny: Humor & Satire in Comics (Howard Tayler, Pat Bagley, Blair Sterrett, Carter Reid)

Build-A-Story: Professional Writers Improv Storylines based on Audience Suggestions (Craig Nybo, Paul Genesse, Dave Butler, Dan Willis, Bob Defendi)

Skinwalker Ranch  (Ryan Burns, Alien Dave)

Independent Film Actor’s Survival Guide (Charan Prabhakar, Clint Vanderlinden, Isaac  Singleton,  Leeana Pareja, Elizabeth Knoweldon, Andrea Ciliberti, Rusty Joiner, )

I’ve Created My Comic Book, Now What? Publishing Opportunities for Independent Comic Creators (Matt Miner, Tyler Kirkham, James Wymore, Barry Gardner, Quinn Johnson, Aneeka)

Games as Culture (2 hrs.) (Patrick Hayes)

6:00 – 6:50 p.m.

Adobe Photoshop (Daniel Presedo)

The Art and Business of Voice Acting (Warky T. Chocobo, Bryan Leffler, Tanglwyst de Holloway, Isaac Singleton, Jr.)

Creating in Someone Else’s Universe: The Pros and Cons of Being a Writer and/or Artist for Hire in Comics (Howard Tayler, Chad Hardin, Quinn Johnson)

The Aesthetics of Sight and Sound: Music and Art in Video Games

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Screenplay Writing and Were Afraid to Ask (Michaelbrent Collings, Bryan Young, Daryn Tufts, Kohl Glass, Tom Durham)

Plot-Driven vs. Character-Driven to Writing What You Know vs. Research to Outlining vs. Discovery Writing to Keeping a Writing Schedule vs. Tapping into Creative Energy: What’s an Aspiring Author to do? (Adam Sidwell, Frank Cole, Brad Torgerson, Chad Morris, Lisa Mangum, Aaron Johnston, Jenni James)

7:00 – 7:50 p.m.

Awards Program

SyFy Ghost Hunters Unite!

Post-Apocalyptic: The Future of Dystopia (James Wymore, Ally Condie, Robison Wells, Barry Gardner)

Breaking into the Video Game Industry (Justin Kunz, Josh James (M), Brandon Tibbitts, Brandon Welch, Troy Johnson, Paulette Baretsky, Joi Podgorny)

Star Trek’s Reboot, vs. Star Wars’ Revival: The Rise of J.J. Abrams (Bryan Young, David Kenny D., James Wymore, Tom Durham)

Writing for Animation on Television (Jake Black, Aaron Hultgren, Chris “Doc” Wyatt)

Effective Horror: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why? (Michaelbrent Collings, Carter Reid, Mike Baron, Nathan Shumate, Peter J. Wacks)

8:00 – 8:50 p.m.

Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog Sing Along

Superhero Films: What’s Coming Up? What Can DC Learn From Marvel Studios? (Kohl Glass, Nathan Best, KennyD., Quinn Johnson)

Sci-Fi and Fantasy on the Small Screen: The Best of What’s on TV (Danni Dixon)

The Independent Filmmaker’s Survival Guide (Bryan Young, Hraefn Wulfson, William Pace, Tom Durham, Jonathan Martin, Chris “Doc” Wyatt)

Choose Your Own Apocalypse (Zombies vs. Robots vs. Aliens) (James Wymore, Eric James Stone, Larry Correia, Carter Reid, John W. Morehead)

When is it Too Much? Violence & Intensity in Middle Grade & Young Adult Fiction (David Farland, John Steiner, Brandon Mull, Aaron Johnston, Robison Wells)

Warky Live and in Fashion: Video Games in Lyric & Song (Warky T. Chocobo)

Geeky Hobbies, Sunday Afternoon Painting WiP
Fisking Slate over Public Schools

2 thoughts on “My schedule at SLC Comic Con”

  1. You should do both of those scheduled at the same time and skip the one titled Category Bending: When should rules be bro–blah blah blah. That one sounds completely stupid. I can answer that question with one word: always.

    EVP with Chunga could be a cool one to sit in, if you have time to visit others.

    And yours is the only name I recognized on that author roundtable. Don’t go ego trippin’

  2. Mr. Correia how are you not on this panel “Monsters: Should the Classic Ones be Updated? Where are the New Monsters? (James Wymore, Carter Reid, John W. Morehead, Jonathan Martin, Nathan Shumate)”? That is an egregious oversight and it is kind of a no brainer that you should be there.

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