Who is going to GenCon?

GenCon is one of my all time favorite conventions. Even though GenCon is known primarily for being the premier gamer con, it also has a fantastic writing track. In between spending stupid amounts of money on minis I’m going to be on a bunch of panels. Because GenCon allows pre registration many of those have already filled up, like the 150 spots for my Writing Action seminar are already taken. But we did just add another solo Larry panel. This one is a Q&A, so if you want in it is event ID SEM1466979.

I’m also going to be announcing the winner of the 1st annual Baen Fantasy short story contest there too (the winner will be contacted beforehand).  We got over FIVE HUNDRED entries for the contest, so the competition is fierce.

I’m flying out with just a carry on with an empty duffle bag shoved inside, but it is going to be filled with games and tiny metal dudes for the flight home, because I love GenCon.

Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments
The Drowning Empire, Episode 58: Last Wills & Testements

36 thoughts on “Who is going to GenCon?”

  1. Wife, daughter, and I will be there. We’ll even be running our annual Crimson Skies event if you feel like stopping by and blowing some small plastic/pewter enemy planes out of the sky. (disclosure: “sky” is actually a hex based gaming mat)

    1. I can stalk him for ya. Did it last year and even got a my Agent Franks rifle picture signed by him.
      thinking I might bring the rifle stock and a white pen marker and have him sign that this year. Even ordered 2 extra MCB coins to attach to the rifle. Hope to have it done before Gencon.

  2. Larry, I went to one of your panels last year and have signed up for a couple this year. I doubt you remember me, I was wearing the zombie apocalyspe response team t-shirt and we talked about your dislike of H&K’s. By the way those guns are paying for this years trip. : )

  3. I will be there. I hope to make it to a panel this year. Talking with you last year was a highlight for me. I will make sure to bring the revolutionary war bullet dice with me again this year.

    1. 😀 That’s what I was thinking.

      Probably the 499+ of us that don’t make it should have a party on Larry’s blog while he’s gone.

      1. Well, the female half of the team here has a real job and makes plenty enough money to afford the fare and hotel, so that is not really an issue.

        1. Oh, affording it these days isn’t REALLY an issue, although that would stack with my trip to the Reno Air Races in September…. But I spent a very long time out of work after the tech crash, pinching every penny in half, and these days it takes a crowbar to open my wallet, and I won’t spend the money on a crowbar.

  4. Speaking of Baen short stories, is the story about Keta in the Shattered Shields eARC related to the fantasy you’ve been working on?

  5. Have fun and when you pick up your duffle bag on leaving, remember: bend the knees and not your back. 🙂

  6. Sadly, Eugene cain’t make it this year. It’s a durn selfish Elf who up and leaves his woman to fend for three young elflings. And besides, the Queen is madder than a wet cat about the whole Tanya thing, and she ain’t lettin us outta the Forest ‘less the Walls Between get torn again…

    Seriously, y’all have fun.

  7. I’d love to, but I just had a daughter and used all my time-off taking care of her while my wife wrapped up the school year. I’ll probably be kicking myself if it turns out I’m that 1 in 500, but nothing I can do about it now.

  8. Definitely going, although I can’t stay for the whole thing. How can I pass up a panel with you, Jim Butcher and Steve Long. Plus Michael Z. Williamson must be on 12 panels. Scheduling is going to be a bear.

    1. I’m not ashamed to say that I was the guy who recommended Larry to Craig from the D6 via an email long enough ago that Raef was still on the show before they went to a revolving third chair. I’ve been hoping for a long time that they’d get Larry on.

  9. If my entry wins the Baen Fantasy Award, I’ll make every possible effort to make it there. if it doesn’t (499/500 chance, hmmm), I’ll be too busy doing a rewrite and self-publishing the story on Amazon. 😀

        1. Cool! I look forward to reading it. Please let me know when and where it becomes available (hopefully from this contest!:-).

          1. If I don’t make the cut for the BFA, it will end up on Kindle Select. I thought about submitting it to Tor.com, but I don’t think it’d make there (not enough “message” 😉 ).

  10. Just went to ConGregate, first time going to a con. Went mainly for the writer’s workshops, and to meet Toni ,Larry and the Baen crew. Thinking about Gen Con for the same reasons.

  11. Don’t forget: Hugo Ballot close soon!

    This Ballot must be received by Thursday 31 July 2014, 11:59 PM PDT

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